Nevada Statehood ~ 1864
In 1864
Nevada was admitted to the Union supporting the Union against the
Confederacy. Nevada adopted the motto of "Battle Born" because
it became a state during the Civil War.
Verrazano Narrows Bridge ~
Giovanni da Verrazano, a Florentine explorer, sailed along the North
American coast from Florida to Newfoundland. In 1524 he looked across
the Outer Banks of North Carolina and saw what he believed to be the
Eastern or Pacific Ocean. The "Sea of Verrazano" continued to appear
on maps of North America for more than a century.
Although he missed the entrances to Chesapeake and
Delaware bays, he dropped anchor in the Narrows of New York Harbor in
1525. He was the first European to do so. The harbor did not offer a
route to the Pacific, so he sailed on.
The stamps shows a map of the entrance to New York
Harbor with the Verrazano Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and
Brooklyn. In 1964 it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.
"Verrazzano" is mispelled with only one "z". The
"dotted line" between Manhattan and Brooklyn represents the East
River crossed by the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge.
Telecommunication Union ~ 1865
International Telegraph Union was founded in 1865 in Paris with 20
members. In 1934 the ITU merged with the International Radiotelegraph
Union (established in 1906) and changed the name to "International
Telecommunication Union." In 1947 it became a specialized agency of
the United Nations. Its goal is to improve international
telecommunications by allotting radio frequencies, encouraging low
rates, and improving emergency communications. There are 188 Member
States and 560 Sector Members (operators, broadcasters, and
The Morse Code ITU spells "ITU" four times across the stamp.
On the projection see further under Instruments-Projections-Gall.
Federal Migratory Bird Treaty
~ 1916
1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed a treaty with Great Britain (on
behalf of Canada) for the protection of the "many species of birds
which in their annual migration traverse certain parts of the United
States and Canada." The treaty was
implemented by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act passed by Congress in
1918. Later treaties were made with Mexico, Japan, and Russia. The
stamp shows a simple map of the U.S.-Canadian border with outlines of
geese flying North and South.