Pony Express ~ 1860-1861
In 1860 the
freight firm of Russell, Majors, and Waddell promised to deliver the
mail in ten days over a route between St. Joseph, Missouri to
Sacramento, California. 190 way stations were established and riders
traveled about 75 miles a day exchanging horses at every relay
station. Although the time was half that of the Overland Mail which
followed a longer route through the Southwest, the Pony Express was
financially unsuccessful, Russell, Majors, and Waddell went bankrupt,
and the service stopped after 18 months when the telegraph was
completed. The route of the riders is shown on the background map.
Automotive Industry ~ 1960
The stamp was issued in conjunction with the National Automobile Show
in 1960 as a tribute to the automotive industry. The globes indicate
the world-wide
Echo I ~ 1960
stamp was issued to commemorate Echo I, the first communications
satellite. It was placed in orbit August 12 and reflected radio waves
back to earth.
Land Grant Act ~ 1862
Land Grant Act signed into law by Abraham Lincoln in 1862 granted to
each State 30,000 acres for each Senator and Representative under
apportionment based on the 1860 census. Proceeds from the sale of
these lands were to be invested in a perpetual endowment fund which
would provide support for colleges of agriculture and mechanical arts
in each of the states. This Act has been used to establish the
so-called "land-grant" colleges. In South Dakota, South Dakota State
University has benefited from the endowment funds.