In 1933
Canada issued a series of stamps to mark the 350th anniversary of the
annexation of Newfoundland to England by Letter Patent issued by Queen
Elizabeth I to Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583. It is the first use of an
old map on a Canadian stamp.
The twenty cent value displays a partial reproduction
of a map drawn by Captain John Mason. His map was first published as
the frontispiece of Sir William Vaughn's The Golden Fleece in
1626. It is considered to be the first reliable map of the island and
was not replaced until 1763 when Captain James Cook charted the
coastline of the island.

preparation for Gilbert's expedition to North America, a map on a
polar projection was drawn by the astronomer, John Dee. It shows the
northern lands of America, Eurasia and the polar islands with the
waterways which could link them for trade, and shows two inland water
routes to the South Seas, via the St. Lawrence River. The fictitious
“Sea of Verazano” which almost cut north America in two can also be
seen. To the left of the picture of Gilbert is North America, while to
the right is the Asian continent. The original map is in the Free
Public Library of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
designer of the stamp, Roger Hill of Toronto, has combined a redrawn
version of Dee's map, with a portrait of Sir Humphrey Gilbert,
reproduced with permission from Mrs. Walter Raleigh Gilbert of Devon,
John Dee was born in 1527
and was educated as a mathematician. He was one of the first Fellows
of Trinity College, Oxford, after its founding in 1546. He edited an
edition of Euclid and wrote a preface for it defending the study of
mathematics. He was a consultant in geography and navigation to the
Muscovy Company from 1551 to 1583. He developed the paradoxall
compass, which was intended for navigation in polar regions, and a
compass of variation, to determine the variation of magnetic north
from true north. He studied with Gerard Mercator and Gemma Frisius and
was associated with Abraham Ortelius and Pedro Nuñez. He was “the
central figure in the development of scientific cartography in
England” and “helped form Dutch cartography in its so-called golden
age.” His library of 4000 books was the greatest in England.
On the other hand, Dee was a conjuror, and was
imprisoned as a magician and heretic. He was the Royal Astrologer
during the reign of Queen Mary, and cast horoscopes for Queen
Elizabeth, determining the date of her coronation by the stars. He was
a founder of the Rosicrucian Order, an alchemist, hermeticist, and
cabalist. He put a hex on the Spanish Armada, which many believed
destroyed the fleet. He died destitute in 1608 without the honors or
wealth he believed to be his due.