Konrad Peutinger
(1465-1547) was an antiquarian and noted coin collector. He was also a
map collector, and the Tabula Peutingeriana took its name from
him. It is preserved in the State Library of Vienna.
He was a retainer of the Emperor Charles V, and
attempted to persuade Luther to accept the authority of the Emperor in
religious matters.

Luther refused to recant,
and was allowed to return to Wittenberg under the Emperor's safe
conduct. Because he was also an outlaw his friends were concerned for
his safety. As he traveled he was "kidnapped" and taken to the
Wartburg in Eisenach where he lived for almost a year as "Junker
Jörg," Knight George. While he was there he began a translation of the
New Testament from the original Greek text as edited by Erasmus of
Rotterdam (1516, 2.ed. 1519) into German.
View of Luther's Room
those who came to Luther's defense was Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523),
patriot, poet, knight, scholar, satirist, and humanist. The Emperor
Maximilian I crowned him poet laureate of Germany in 1517. That year
he entered the service of the Archbishop of Mainz, but his support of
Luther resulted in his dismissal from the Archbishop's service.
Ulrich von Hutten