Arabian celestial globe ~ 1279
Arabian celestial globe of 1279 is one of the five oldest
Islamic globes known. Constructed by Muhammed be mu'aijad al-Ardi of
Meragha in Persia, it consists of brass overlaid with gold and silver.
Only30.5 cm high with a diameter of 14.4 cm, it illustrates the
positions of about one thousand stars arranged into 47 constellations,
following ideas of Ptolemy.

Johannes Reinhold and Georg Roll ~ 1586
Designed by Johannes Reinhold and Georg Roll of Augsburg, the globe
clock was made of brass and copper covered with gold leaf. It is 56.5
cm high with a diameter of 20.5 cm. It contains a small terrestrial
sphere below a large celestial sphere, all crowned by a small
armillary sphere and surrounded by a movable calendar ring. The
celestial sphere depicts 49 constellations.

Jan Hevelius 1611-1687
Jan Hevelius discovered
four comets, founded modern selenography and and compiled a star atlas
among other accomplishments. The constellation map on the stamp is
from his atlas.

Edmond Halley 1656-1742
In 1677-1678 Edmond Halley
sailed to St. Helena in the South Atlantic and prepared a catalog and
planishere of the southern heavens.

Erhard Weigel ~ 1690
The heraldic celestial globe
is 59cm high with a diamer to 27.5 cm, and is made of brass covered
with copper foil. It contains a system of rings representing the
equator, a meridian, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and other
circles. Replacing the ususal Ptolemaic constellations are the
coat-of-arms of Saxony and other heraldic images.
