Palau 546
Superimposed on a map of the eastern hemisphere from Africa to eastern
Asia and from southern Scandinavia to southern Africa and Australia
are 20 stamps featuring discoveries in the history of pre-historic
life. They are not arranged chronological order. Several of the stamps
have errors ranging from spelling to dates to mis-identifications.
The skull on the first stamp on the left of the third
row is identified as Australopithecine Ethiopus. The image is of the
Black Skull discovered in 1986 in Kenya, which is properly identified
as Australopithecus Aethiopicus. In the statement on the stamp the
relationship between the Black Skull and modern humans is described as
a mystery. However, while the relationship between the Black Skull and
modern humans is unclear, Australopithecenes are ancient members of
the Hominidae family of which Homo Sapiens, modern humans, is the only
surviving member

Other errors, listed but
not described in the Scott catalog, are 546g and k, sapien
should be spelled sapiens, 546p, Leaky should be spelled
Leakey, and Oldavi should be spelled Olduvi, and 546t, Raymond Dart
was born in 1893, not 1899.
