The map of South America by Diego
Gutierrez, cartographer in the Casa de la Contratación, was engraved
by Hieronymus Cock at Antwerp, and published in Americae sive
quartae orbis partis nova et exactissima descriptio in 1562. The
legend at the bottom of the representation of the map recognizes the
discovery by Orellana of the Amazon River to its source in 1841-1842.
It also reflects Sebastian Cabot’s explorations. R.A. Skelton says the
map was drawn by Diego’s son, Sancho.

Amazon River is shown in the serpentine form commonly displayed in all
early maps. The estuary of the Plate River is exaggerated. There are
no names on the stamp, though there are many features and names on the
original. Tierra del Fuego is not shown.