The Republic of Columbia
The Republic of
Colombia, formerly the Viceroyalty of Grenada (1822-1830) included the
greater part of the modern nations of Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and
Ecuador. It was organized at Congress of Cúcuta in 1821 following the
successful war of liberation against Spain. Bolivar became
President and Francisco de Paula Santander Vice President. The
constitution called for a bicameral legislature elected from the three
regions of the Republic.
In 1829 Venezuela withdrew from the Republic, Peru
invaded Ecuador and was defeated at the battle of Tarqui. Simon
Bolivar assumed dictatorial powers. His assassination was attempted
and he fled. By 1830 the Republic had disintegrated.
The stamp from Venezuela shows the approximate borders
of the Republic of Columbia and was issued in 1969 to commemorate the
150th anniversary of "Gran Columbia," a name give to the Republic by

Acknowledgement of Receipt
