A set of two stamps with the same design was issued by Indo-China in
1944. The design has two major elements: a picture of Jean-Marie
Antoine de Lanessan (1843-1919), and a small map of the Hong (Red)
River delta with a number of towns located. In addition, there is a
picture of a ship on the left, and a picture of a railroad train on
the right.
Jean-Marie Antoine de Lanessan was appointed Governor
General in 1891 and was recalled in 1894. He consolidated French
influence in Annam and Cambodia and gained a major piecee of territory
on the Mekong River from the Kingdom of Siam. The stamps were issued
for the 50th anniversary of his recall.

In response to a question about the stamps in 1990 Miklos Pinther, the
editor of The Carto-Philatelist (35:4:102), provided a map of
the river delta with the town locations identified.
