Bimellenary of Caesar Augustus
Octavian (63
B.C.-14 A.D.) was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. In 17 B.C. he was
named Imperator Caesar Augustus. In 1937 (Italy) and 1938 (Libya)
marked the bimillenary of the birth of Caesar Augustus. Both stamps
show a map of the Mediterranean Sea and quotations from Virgil.
The quotation on Italy C98, “Qui Mare Qui Terras Omni
Ditione Tenerent,” is from Virgil’s Aeneid. It refers to the prophecy
that Aeneas would found a race that would rule the world and implies
that the Romans were that race.
The map is said to have been suggested by one cut in
the marble walls of the Basilica of Marcus Aureilius Valerius
Maxentius (278-312 A.D.) who began building the basilica in 306. The
basilica is also known as the Basilica of Constantine, who redesigned
and completed it after he defeated Maxentius at the battle of the
Milvian bridge in 312.

The quotation on Libya 77, “Imperium sine
fine dedi,” is also from Virgil, quoting Jupiter, “Empire without end
have I granted,” and applies that to Augustus, as ancient Roman
historians also did.

Paul's Journey to Rome
Paul's journey from
Caesarea to Rome is recorded in the 27th and 28th chapters of the book
of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament. It is generally
accepted that the journey took place in the winter of 60
The stamps were issued in 1961 to mark the
1900th anniversary of the arrival of St. Paul in Rome.
