Colombia 560
To recognize the Ninth Pan-American Conference held in Bogota in 1948,
Colombia issued two minisheets. The one issued for surface mail has a
map of North and Central America and the coat of arms of the city of
Bogota, whch has a crowned eagle in the center with a border of
pomagranite flowers.

Colombia C150
The airmail stamp has a map
of South America with the coat of arms of Colombia. The coat of arms
has an Adean Condor holding a crown of olive leaves. On the shield the
top third has a pomagranite flanked by two cornucopia, one with coins,
the other with tropical fruit. The middle third features a Phrygian
cap, the symbol of freedom. And the bottom third pictures the Isthmus
of Panama with ships. The national motto, Libertad y Orden, and
spears and flags complete the coat of arms.
