Macedonia 329
From March 22, 1554 to January 5, 1556 Gjon Buzuku, an Albanian priest
(possibly a monk or a bishop) translated the missal into the Gheg
dialect of Albania, and published it in book form. The only copy of
the book, preserved in the Apostolic Library in the Vatican, is
missing the frontispiece and the first 16 pages. It is thought to have
been published in either Venice of Shkodėr.
There are 220 pages of two columns, with decorated initials. The Latin
alphabet, with some additional letter is used. The dialect of Maltzia
e Madhe (Great Highlands) was used with an archaic vocabulary.
The book was discovered in 1740 by Gjon Nicokkė Kazazi, the Albanian
Bishop of Skhup. It was lost and rediscovered in 1909. In 1930 it was
photographed and a photocopy was placed in the library in Tiranė.
In Albanian it is known as МЕШАРИ, Meshari in English, which
means Missal. The stamp was issued in 2005, the 450th anniversary of
the translation by Gjon Buzuku, by the Republic of Macedonia.

There are reports that the Meshari disappeared in 1996. It is
not clear to me whether the copy that disappeared is the original in
the Apostolic Library in the Vatican, or the photocopy preserved in
the library in Tiranė. It seems likely that it is the former.