Malacca ~ 1511
The plan of Malaca on the stamp, issued as a part of a set of five
stamps celebrating Portuguese influence in Asia, is entitled
Demonstração da Fortaleza de Malaca. The design is based on an old
Portuguese map of Malaca from the 1630’s, taken from O Livro das
Plantas das Fortalezas, Cidades e Povoaçoes do Estado da India

The village of Malacca
fell to the Portuguese in 1511. The commander, Alfonso de Albuquerque
had the fortress built around a natural hill near the sea. The
fortress consisted of long ramparts and four major towers. One was a
four-story keep, while the others held an ammunition storage room, the
residence of the captain, and an officers’ quarters. As the plan
shows, most of the village clustered in town houses inside the
fortress walls. As Malacca’s population expanded it outgrew the
original fort and extensions were added around 1586.