1785 Comte Jean-François de Galaup de La Pérouse (1741-1788) sailed
from France to Easter Island, the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands, north
to Alaska and south along the Pacific coast from San Francisco to
Monterey. From there he sailed to China and the Philippians, through
the Sea of Japan to Siberia. Next he sailed to the Navigators’
Islands, the Friendly Islands, Norfolk Islands and Botany Bay,
Australia. Finally, he sailed to the Santa Cruz Islands where he and
his crew disappeared. His records, which had
been sent overland to France from Petropavlovlsk on Kamchatka, were
edited by L.A. Milet-Mureau and published posthumously as A Voyage
Round the World in 1797.

On August 1, 1785 Jean Françoise de Galaup,
Comte de La Pérouse sailed from Brest for Brazil. From there he sailed
to Alaska, Macao, the Philippines, Korea and Kamchatka and finally to
Norfolk Island and Botany Bay.
He sailed from Botany Bay on March 10 and disappeared.
In 1828 Dumont d'Urville found the wreckage of La Pérouse's ships at
Vanikoro, Santa Cruz, north of the New Hebredes. The map on the stamp
issued by New Caledonia to commemorate the bicentenary of the
disappearance of the La Pérouse expedition shows the course to Botany
Bay, New Caledonia and Vanikoro.
In addition to the map the stamp design features a
portrait of La Pérouse, and two ships, La Boussole and L'Astrolabe.
