St. Pierre and Miquelon
St. Pierre and Miquelon
are two small groups of islands off the southern coast of
Newfoundland. They were formerly a French colony, and became a
Department of France in 1976. In 1931 the French government brought
together people from its 47 colonies in order to educate the French
nation to the importance of their colonies. The stamp was issued in a
set in recognition of the Exposition Coloniale et Internationale.

The Mi'kmaq called
themselves L'nu'k, "the people." Mi'kmaq means "my friend." They lived
on the north Atlantic seaboard, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and
Arcadia. Micmaq tradition claims that a white man, possibly the
Norwegian, Henry Sinclair, landed on Nova Scotia near the end of the
14th century.
The body of land at the top and right of the stamp is
Newfoundland. The dumb-bell shaped island is Miquelon, and the small
island south-east of Miquelon is St. Pierre. The Conne River is a
Mi'kmaq reserve on Newfoundland. The red canoe and the red dotted line
between Miquelon and Newfoundland may indicate the route the Mi'kmaq
took to Newfoundland for summer hunting.
The catalog identifies the stamp as, "Micmac Indians of
Miquelon." The connection with 1504-2004 is not made clear.