In 1930 Iceland issued a
set of 15 stamps to celebrate the millenary of the Alþingi
the oldest parliament in the world. It was an assembly of the
country's leaders, called goðar, who met to make laws and
dispense justice which convened on the Thursday of the 10th week of
summer, about the middle of June. All free men could attend, and the
occasion of its meeting was a major social and cultural event.
The Lawspeaker (lögsögumaður) would recite
aloud the Icelandic law, one third of the laws each year, and he also
proclaimed the procedural law every year. Legal disputes were also
heard at the Althing, and within the boundaries of the
Althing everyone was entitled to sanctuary.
The design on the 1 Krona value is an outline map of

The small circle on the left side of the map
seems to represent Reykjavik, the capitol of Iceland. Þhingvellir (Thingvellir,) the location of the Althing, is about 25 miles
north-east of Reykjavik. The circle on the right marks the location of
Djupivogr (The Carto-Philatelist, 38(1993)114).