The stamp is the high
value of a set of two stamps issued by Senegal in 1992. On this
stamp the identification of the map is partially overprinted with a
black bar, leaving the words BAKARI II SUR LA CARTE DE [...]S 1413
(Bakari II on the map of [...]s 1413). The overprint covers the
letters MECADES.
The original of the map is signed "Mecia de Viladestes
me facit in ano MCCCCVIII (Mecia de Viladestes made me in the year
1413). So, the inscription as originally printed on the stamp was
incorrect. It should have been BAKARI II SUR LA CARTE DE MECIA DE
VILADESTES 1413. The black bar was used to cover up an error in the
The map was formerly preserved in the convent of Val de
Cristo near Segorbe, but it is in the Bibliothèque Nationale at

This was the first design
error I discovered. It was published in The Carto-Philatelist,
Vol. 40, No. 3/4, p. 99.