726, C393
“The map on a 1961 Colombian issue marking the eighth Pan-American
Highway Congress includes a major highway prominently marked by a
thick blue line—with no indication that this highway was planned but
had not at that time actually been built.”
Irvine and M. Seshold,
Errors in Postage Stamp Design.
London: National Philatelic Society, p 82
Jean-Pierre Mangin,
Guide Munidal des Timbres Erronés,
Yvert & Tellier, 1999, p. 155

In 1961 Colombia issued a
group of stamps for the Pan-American Congress. One (Scott No. 726) for
surface mail, three (C390-C392) for air mail, and one (C393) inscribed
“Extra Rapido.” Only one has blue highways.
Irvine and Seshold’s comment (above) is correct. Even
now, more than a quarter of a century later, the highways indicated in
blue have not been built. The Pan-American highway is currently
described as beginning in Colombia near Cucuta in the northeast, going
to Bogotá and entering Ecuador south of Pasto. There are tentative
plans to build a part of the highway connecting with Panama, but
nothing concrete has been done.