The stamps
below are based on an interrupted sinusoidal projection. This
projection is used to minimize distortion of shapes near the edges of
the map.

stamp was issued to “show the global spread of the independent
Commonwealth countries as of 9 July 1982, when the addition of the
Maldives... increased to 47 the number of independent members.
Independent members are colored yellow, with the exception of Canada
which is red; other countries are green."
However, there are a number of errors on the map. New
Britain and New Ireland are shaded green for non-members of the
Commonwealth, though they are members. The Republic of Nauru and
Western Samoa are omitted altogether. The North Cape of New Zealand is
separated from the North Island. Gibraltar is colored yellow
indicating independent status which it does not have. Like Nauru and
Western Samoa the Gambia is left out.
On the New Zealand stamp
the telecommunications network is shown on an interrupted sinusoidal
projection, with a little bump in the south Pacific to accomodate New
