The souvenir sheet issued to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the
Salt Satyagraha was issued in 2005 by India. The march was made by
Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi to
gather salt in opposition to the British control of this basic dietary
The design shows a relatively detailed map of the march
route on the left side. At the bottom is a picture of some of the
marchers, and on the right side above the stamps is a picture of the
flag Gandhi designed in 1921. If it were in color they would be
saffron, white and green, with a Charka (a spinning wheel-Gandhi’s
personal symbol of the instrument of non-violence).
Four stamps (clockwise from the upper left) show Gandhi
and marchers, a picture of Gandhi and the front page of The Bombay
Chronicle, presumably for March 12, 1930, the beginning of the march,
Gandhi writing, and the words: “I want world sympathy in this battle
of Right against might. MKGandi 5:3:30,” and a map and a picture of
Gandhi gathering salt.
