Micmac Indians, probably
the first inhabitants of Canada's smallest province, called their
2,184 square mile island home as Abegwelt, which means
"Cradled on the Wave" in English. The island was later to become
Ile St. Jean and eventually Prince Edward Island in honor of
Edward, Duke of Kent, father of Queen Victoria. Although attempts have
been made to establish earlier discovery of Prince Edward Island by
explorers such as John Cabot, Verazanno and Stephen Gomez, it is
usually accepted that Jacques Cartier in the 1530's was the first
visitor from the Old World.
Charlottetown, once Port de la Joie, became Capital of
an Island newly separated from Nova Scotia when on 4th of August 1769
instructions from the Court of St. James were issued to Walter
Patterson, the son of an Irishman from County Donegal, constituting
him as Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief over the Island of St.
John and instructing him to: "-fit yourself with all convenient speed,
and to repair to our said island of St. John, and being arrived at
Charlottetown within our said island, which we do hereby appoint to be
the capital of our said Government, and the chief place of your
Patterson's arrival on the Island was not until August 1770 at which
time there was an estimated population of some one hundred and fifty
families. Charlottetown today, with about 18,500 of the Province's
110,000 inhabitants, attracts many travelers and holidaying Canadians
whose itinerary invariably includes a visit to the beautifully
preserved room in which Canada was born; the 1864 Charlottetown
Conference was the first step leading to Confederation in 1867.