Balthasar Behem was the
public notary in Cracow in the 16th century. He commissioned the
codex, a collection of acts, charters, privileges, and bylaws that
regulated the guilds of Cracow. He may have written the text, but the
"Master of the Behem Codex" created the 27 miniatures which show the
crafts and scenes from daily life of the residents of Cracow.
This set of stamps depicts eight crafts or trades of
the Middle Ages. The first scene is at the door of the bell founder.
He and a church functionary haggle over a bell, while two apprentices
look on. A flagon, a cnadleholder and other objects made in the
foundry are also seen.

The muralist is next with
pictures on the walls of his studio. Altar pieces, screens, and murals
were his field. He designed the work and the apprentices learned the
trade by working on them.
