Macedonia 319
The Asemanov Gospel, named for
Josif Asemanija who discovered it in Jerusalem in 1736, is
commemorated on this stamp issued in 2004. One of the most beautiful
and most valuable old Slavonic manuscripts, it is preserved in the
Vatican Library in Rome. It is written in the Glagolitic alphabet, the
oldest Slav alphabet.
The inscriptions in are in the Cyrillic alphabet:
Veritical on the left: РЕПЧЂЛИКА МАКЕДОНИА = Republic of Macedonia
Upper left: ПОШТА = Posta
Upper right: 10 ВЕКА АСЕМАНОВО ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ = 10th Century (?)
Asemanov Gospel
Bottom right: СКЕНПОИНТ = SCENPOINT (the printer ?)
12 = 12 Denars
