United States 3520, 3770
The stamp shows a view of
an armillary sphere carried by Atlas on his shoulders. The figure was
sculpted by Lee Oscar Lawrie and cast in bronze by Lawrie and Rene
Chambellan in 1936. It is the Rockefeller Center, New York City.

Portugal 660
The design on the four stamp set
issued by Portugal in 1945 features an armillary sphere or spherical
astrolabe with the dates 1845-1945 to commemorate Academia Real dos
Guardas Marinhas which was established by Prince Henry and became
the Escola Naval in 1845. Other elements are a compass rose, a
trident, torch and a ribbon with the motto Talant de bie~ faire,
which means “The desire to do well,” which was Prince Henry’s personal
motto. Finally, under the ribbon is the Portuguese coat of arms, a
shield with 5 bezants.
