Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) included maps in many
of his paintings. In Young Woman with a Water Jug (ca. 1662) he
indluded a portion of a map by Huyck Allert (Hugh Allard),
Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands. The only copy of the map
is preserved in the University Library, Leiden, and bears the date
In the painting the map is oriented with North at the
right, and only the Southern Provices are shown. On the souvenir sheet
the painting is shown correctly, while on the stamp in the lower left
corner the painting has been reversed.

The sheet was issued in 2001 to recognzie
Amphilex 2002 which was held in the Netherlands in that year. The flag
of the Netherlands also appears as a design element on the sheet. The
painting and the map extend further to the left than it appears on the
